What is water play?
Although summer is coming to an end, it doesn’t mean you have to put a stop to water play! You may be wondering, what exactly does water play consist of and why is it important for children to participate in? To simplify, it is exactly what you make of it. You can use a variety of different tools and accessories such as buckets, toys, containers, scales etc. to allow children to scoop, pour, splash and analyse their senses. Whilst doing so, children begin to flourish and progress their gross and fine motor skills. Along with this, it provides rich and valuable early childhood experiences which contribute to developing a child's creativity and imagination.
Balance and Strength
Along with previous skills mentioned, water play is a great way to help improve a child’s balance, strength and physical fitness. If you are swimming, everything feels completely different whilst in the water; it is a whole new sensory experience. Things such as jumping, clapping your hands and other simple activities, you feel weightless, as if everything is happening in slow motion. In contrast to this, water adds resistance, making leg and arm movement more difficult in water than outside of water; due to using more muscle strength than usual.

Communication and Social Skills
If there is any kind of play to boost confidence, it has got to be water play! As kids play, they become excited to show off the new skills they have mastered to friends surrounding them. Generally, most water play activities occur in small spaces with limited supplies, meaning children practice sharing with one another. Taking it in turns to play with props and accessories is a brilliant way to encourage teamwork and cooperation skills. Both enjoyable and educational, water play has it all! One fundamental reason why teachers and parents encourage water play during early years is because it has ability to increase a child’s concentration. In addition to this the development of hand-eye coordination and a good sense of awareness in enhanced.
An important factor to consider when your child undertakes any activities near or with water is safety. Never leave a little one unattended, even if it is just for a matter of seconds; this is crucial!
Thanks for reading!
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