Newby Leisure Limited's sustainable procurement is based on a life-cycle basis.
We know the importance of sustainable procurement and how other businesses can identify and reduce the environmental impacts of their supply chains.
A sustainable future is what all businesses should be working towards and Newby Leisure plans to do this by:
Using procurement to deliver sustainable outcomes.
Focus on impacts material to the procure.
'Sustainable supply' not 'sustainable supplier'.
Manage demand.
Embed sustainability into current procurement practice.
Encouraging innovation.
This will allow us to meet needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole-life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society and the local economy while minimising environmental damage.
Many sustainability benefits can be achieved through supplier engagement before the procurement process begins.
Also key is the approach to the selection of our suppliers, the inclusion of relevant and proportionate requirements in the specification, the evaluation of relevant and proportionate award criteria, and an effective contract management process.
If you would like to find our more about Newby Leisure and our sustainability program, please contact the team.
Download our 2024 Natural Playground Design Brochure. It's full of fantastic playground design and timber education supplies.
With a free site visit and free hand-drawn design from the Newby Leisure team, it couldn’t be easier to make a start on your new playground vision.