Especialistas en diseño y construcción de parques infantiles
25/09/2018 Blog

Early Years Education Resources - Newby Leisure

Early Years Resources

Get creative and boost early years and primary education! 

At Newby Leisure we understand the importance of play. This is why we spend time developing new play resources to help aid outdoor education. If you been in contact with us before, you'll know how committed we are to delivering play schemes with a difference. We are also as committed to designing timber play resources that will boost education and aid child growth.

So, why timber play? 

Let's be honest, there's something much more appealing about timber play products as opposed to other steel or plastic resources. Natural colours entwine nicely with school playground settings and bring the whole play area to life with the inclusion of timber play products. They fit nicely with natural areas alongside sand pits, cobbled beaches, streams and trees. Generally overall, they more inviting! 

Timber play resources resonate more with a child's imagination to develop their creative skills. This is because it feels more natural too them to connect with products associated to nature or natural things - the appeal of plastic or steel items doesn't have the same effect. 

Physical fitness and strength is something all children need to develop in early years and primary education. Our resources help with this. The choice of over 50 products gives you the chance to piece together messy play resources alongside construction play and finish with water play should you desire. Plus, much more! 

For example; our Mud Kitchen, Busy Beavers Bench and Activity Table would be an ideal set to get children involved in messy play. Messy play fosters curiosity and imagination. There's no right or wrong way to conduct messy play, however, the use of the three resources will help a child to naturally experiment with raw materials and objects.  Messy play is also fantastic for sensory experience helping children to understand their senses. By exploring how things feel, smell and taste, this type of play nurtures an awareness and understanding of the world that surrounds them.

Children are always wanting ways to help keep their brain inspired. Simply by taking them outdoors (or during playtime) and engaging with play equipment supports this.  In an unrestricted play environment where there is no right or wrong way to do things, this is the perfect situation to allow your child to play how they want to. By using their own mind to plan, explore and problem-solve, they are building a self-confidence and self-esteem that will develop them as independent people.

Longer Lasting

Believe it or not, timber play resources can actually be longer lasting than typical plastic or steel types. Newby Leisure's resources all come with a 12-month product guarantee and 10-year timber guarantee against wood rot and insect damage. Being robust items, they are sturdy and ready to take the bashes and bangs that come with a child's playtime. 


Taking play schemes online, we now offer schools the option to buy timber play resources through our website. We feel this gives teachers the chance to add to a play area whenever necessary - the perfect companion! Our skilled joiners craft all resources by hand, so children really do get that natural feel of the product. 

Visit our online shop here.

If you would like more information on our timber play resources, feel free to call the team on 01472 230022 or contact us online

"Together, we're better".